Welcome to DayStarnet.com - The aim of this site is to inform people about not only the Iraqi Dinar Currency as an investment, but to also educate everyone on what a dinar guru is, and how they typically operate. Feel free to comment on any post or page you find interesting. Obviously many of the people who visit this site will have more questions about the content, especially when it comes to dates and rates that gurus have thrown at us since 2010, but suggestions on new topics of discussion are always welcome, and encouraged.

TNT Showtime Activeboard – RayRen98 Open Mic Private Talk

Raymond Renfrow, TNT Tony’s brother, was on the TNT Showtime Open Mic, the call information is here:
712-770-4180 Pin 141276

Please make sure you save the phone number. If they change it, we will simply update this message because the FBI is investigating the Iraqi Dinar revaluation.

Ray gets pretty dirty on the call, talking about bump and grind, dominatrix, whips and chains. Pretty strange talk like things about spanking.  This call was recording from the night following TNT Tony’s return to live radio (12/9/2016) until the early morning hours of 12/10/2016.  Again, the phone number as well as the pin is above.

TNT Showtime RayRen98 of TNT Dinar Raymond Renfrow

Below are some other videos from the RayRen98 Raymond Renfrow YouTube Channel

TNT Dinar | Raymond Renfrow | RayRen98 Presentation – now, this has nothing to do with dinar updates or intel, but the call is classic RayRen98 where he is presenting a 90 day challenge.  Check the YouTube video below for one of the full calls he used to do back in 2006.

TNT Dinar Raymond Renfrow Concept Marketing International Conference Call 2006 Rayren98 – if you are at all curious what happened to Raymond Renfrow as a result of his involvement with Concept Marketing International, just click the link below, and hopefully,  people don’t fall for Ray’s scams like what he did with Concept Marketing International, see this from the justice department:


The TNT Dinar website is down, so if you don’t have access to the TNT Activeboard , then you might have to just wait for updates from members.
TNT Showtime

Check out these court documents on Ray, this is page one:

Here are more websites on TNT Dinar and Raymond Renfrow:

http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/14-DAILY-PLUS-TONY/internet/14-DAILY-PLUS-TONY-14-DAILY-PLUS-SCAM-ARTIST-TOOK-MY-MONEY-NEVER-PAID-ONCE-CALIFORNIA-Int-298346 – Please see how there is a connection between 14 Daily Plus and Raymond Renfrow.

http://www.cfmconcepts.com/tnt-tony-dinar/ basic website about different currencies, but mainly focuses on the Iraqi Dinar scam.

http://www.redcrossnny.com/tnt-dinar/ OK so not a real Red Cross website, but it does warn you about the IQD RV Scam, so check it out.

http://www.oom2.com/t31104-breaking-google-ties-tnt-tony-tnt-dinar-to-iraqi-dinar-scam Purpleskyz runs this website, he name is Debra, as she revealed on a recent dinar update call that Dave Schmidt had live.

http://dinarrvnews.net/guru/tnt-tony/ – Run by Nick Giammarino, goes into his distain for TNT Tony.

http://www.truthcall.com/tony.html Exposes the lies of Ray’s brother TNT Tony.

http://globalcurrencyreset.net/tnt-tony-dinar/ Another site by Nick that exposes Tony Renfrow.

http://www.14dailyplus.com/ this used to be the old website that Tony ran, it was since purchased by Nick Giammarino

http://www.dinardaily.net/t43783-anthony-renfrow-pleads-guilty-tnt-dinar-is-finished – This site is great for real Iraqi Dinar news.  The members moderate it well and if something is too offensive, the members speak up.  Great site.

RayRen98 Conclusion

The conclusion on Raymond Renfrow is this:

Ray is not going to stop anytime soon.  He continues to promote his wealth retention seminars at around $500 as I just received this today:

December, 2016

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2016 in San Antonio, TX –  9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Of course, if we see an RV prior to this date, the venue COULD change and you will be refunded your registration fee upon request or whatever decision you choose to exercise.
If you are prepared to move forward on this notice, follow these important steps:
1. Go to http://bit.ly/sanantonio1217   to register online.
Select “Pay By Credit Card” or choose the “Payment Plan” option.
2. AFTER COMPLETING PAYMENT: Via email, send your registration information (Name, Spouse Name, Address and Telephone Number) to RayRen98@aol.com
3. If you are paying for additional people, repeat step 2 with corresponding information.
Registration of $495 (fees may apply) is PER PERSON. Married couples (married to each other) pay as one person.
A copy of your marriage certificate will be required at sign-in/registration time.

Registration is PER INDIVIDUAL PERSON, not couples.

Go to  http://bit.ly/texasalumni

Complete STEP 2 above and you will receive further instructions via email.

Coming in the new year….

Get ready, get ready, get ready…………to sail away!!
Come and get your “education on” at sea while we cruise
the Caribbean! The Caymans, Jamaica, Mexico …..you name it, we’re doing it in 2017!

Watch for more details in a separate communication. 🙂


That is the end of his email regarding his wealth class. Would love to hear from those who attended, seems to me that Ray is not qualified to even have classes like this, just look at some of the court documents on Raymond Renfrow posted above.

Thanks for reading, please share this.

Update on TNT Tony and TNT Dinar

Hi all,

So here is the thing, it seems like TNT Tony is still doing his conference calls even though he is currently awaiting his sentencing date on 11/30/2015.


Article about TNT Tony Dinar

Dinar Daily post about TNT Tony

In the video below, it is explained that there was an announcement around February 2015 that the 50 dinar notes would be removed from circulation. It now appears that the 50 dinar coins will be released very soon and that we may also see 50,000 and 100,000 notes soon as well.

YouTube – Dinar Guru Predicts News – 50 Dinar Removal and More

TNT Tony was just one of the dinar gurus that did not predict this, in fact, he, and others, said the exact opposite.  Some of you remember that he kept saying that the three zero notes (1000, 5000, 10000 and 25000) would be removed, leaving only the 50, 250, and 500 denomination notes.

tnt dinar

Below are the court documents for Anthony Wayne Renfrow (TNT Tony) from TNT Dinar

TNT Tony has been pumping Iraqi Dinars since his days at Peoples Talk Radio.  He has claimed to have exclusive dinar news so he has these dinar calls about three times a week.  It’s strange calling him a dinar guru because he feels this investment is actually worthwhile.  I suggest you check Google for real Iraq news and not Tony Renfrow.  Regarding the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation and when will the IQD revalue, it’s not even worth really discussing in detail.  Essentially, people go to dinar blog sites, they think that because of what happened in Kuwait, that is why Iraq will RV.  The truth is that the Kuwaiti Dinar never revalued.  There are lots of rumor sites like Vets and detectives as well as Planet dinar, but don’t bother with them.

The Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate

The gurus have stated that the Iraqi Dinar exchange rate has changed drastically.  It really hasn’t changed that much.  The truth is that the rate is about the same as it’s been since 2011.  Don’t worry about it.

There are tons of Iraqi dinar forums out there, but I prefer to mention just one, DinarDaily.net
Don’t believe all of the other rumor sites like Dinar Vets, Planet Dinar or Dinar Detectives.  They just re post what the gurus say.  Everyone thinks they have the best IQD news but they really don’t.  In fact, there is not a single website out there that focuses only on posting just dinar news, all of them, one way or another, have to discuss either the sales of dinar, the revaluation, the deletion of the three zeros or other guru rumors.
Anthony Renfrow is just one of those guys who should have been locked up a long time ago, well,it appears that day is fast approaching.
Update 11/12/2015
It’s now Thursday, and after the 50,000 dinar banknotes have been released, the dinar gurus are still trying to convince us that there is going to be a revaluation.  The interesting thing is that they were saying the complete opposite back in 2012 to 2013.  They said that Iraq was going to be just using the lower denomination notes, but earlier this year, the 50 denomination Iraqi Dinar notes were removed.
Stay tuned for updates.